You have an audition. Details are below, please confirm ASAP! Sound familiar? You have been selected out of hundreds of actors to audition for a specific role in a project. Congratulations!! Your agent has rallied on your behalf and gotten your foot in the door. The rest is up to you.
Take note of the following Do’s and Don’ts to help you book your next project! This is directed to all newer actors but even our veterans should take a look.
Most of these guidelines are common sense, and that you already ‘know’ what to do/not to do….but sometimes a reminder can go a long way!
CONFLICTS: For busy actors that are consistently booking you must READ the conflicts listed in the breakdown when confirming your audition. You cannot shoot for Honda if you have just shot for Toyota etc. Conflicts are listed in the breakdown to ensure that actors are not booking competitive projects at the same time. McDonalds/Tim Hortons, RBC/CIBC, BMW/Audi etc. Your Agent also keeps track of these but sometimes a project was submitted too prior to a new booking for a competitor. At times there are also requests made by casting for actors who were NOT submitted to a project by the Agent.
HOLD: Casting will often (but not always) ask for a hold on certain actors who have auditioned. This is not a firm booking, they are simply holding the actor until the client makes their final decision. Whichever casting agency has first hold has first dibs on booking you. If a second hold or booking comes in, whoever had first hold is asked by your Agent to firm up with a booking asap or lose you to another client.
RECALLS: Bigger projects will recall the actors that their client is interested in after the first audition is complete. A recall means you are in the final running. You should always wear the same or similar attire and do not change your audition strategy as casting obviously liked what you did at the initial audition. Try to attend with similar clothing, hair styles, beards, etc.
OFF BOOK: Means MEMORIZED. If script is supplied to you ahead of the audition, casting expects that you have memorized it. You are not to be reading it off the page, you are to know your lines!! If casting hands you a script 2 minutes before your audition or while in the room then this is referred to as a cold read. You can read from the paper, adding your own expression etc.
SOC: Silent on Camera, no lines.
PRINCIPAL or P: You have script, or your character is one of the featured characters in the spot.
ACTRA/UDA/SAG/AFTRA: Union divisions: ACTRA: Toronto union, UDA: French Union, SAG/AFTRA: U.S Union
BUYOUTS/USAG: When a breakdown specifies that there is a buyout offered in addition to the session pay rate, this is only paid to the actors that are still visible in the campaign when final edits are complete. They are the actors that are shown in the commercial that is airing. Buyouts usually arrive AFTER session rate cheques and are NOT guaranteed to every actor that shoots. Your Agent will inform you if you made the final edit as production will always request an invoice for the buyout separate from the initial filming invoice for all talent who have made the cut.EG. Session rate $500, Buyout $4000. You are only guaranteed the session rate. Buyout is the rate they pay to use your face!! If they are not using your face in the end then they are not paying you the buyout!!
Union cheques: All cheques MUST for forwarded to your Agent so that we can keep track of airing cycles, correct amounts etc. Union cheques arrive with-in 30 days. They are quick and easy and do not require an invoice from us. An Agent authorization form is always sent to ACTRA from the talent instructing them to forward ALL mail to your agency i.e T4’s, cheques, letters etc.
Non Union Cheque: Non-union is referred to as the wild west for a reason. 30-60 days is the norm, however production can take up to 90 days if they want to be difficult. After the 90 day mark we start to harass them if we still haven’t received the cheque. Please keep in mind that we want our payment as much as you want yours…we are both in the same boat. If you haven’t received payment, then we haven’t received OUR payment. We are at the mercy of production. If they want to with-hold until the last minute, there is nobody there to stop them as the union has not sanctioned their project.Rest assured your Agent will work with the Casting Director (who often has not been paid either) to get the payments issued asap…we all have our ways to put fire under production if needed.
sActors are notified by accounting when a cheque is being released, usually 5 business days after receipt to give it time to clear. Union cheques are released upon arrival as we allow our talent to cash their own Union cheques to save them HST